Vision Statement
The aim of the charity is to help the local children and their families with everyday needs. Support is provided by local businesses.
Major charities do an amazing job supporting children at national and international levels. However, I feel that local children can be served better by their local neighborhoods.
Miami in general is viewed as a wealthy community and only when you take a minute to look around you notice how many families struggle to make ends meet. My personal feeling is that the Miami community is a close knit and caring community and that local people are willing to help with local childrens issues when it is brought to their attention.
I am willing to devote my time and make people aware of this unfortunate situation. With Miami Children Corp you are able to offer your services or time to the people who are living next door. You are finally able to see how very little time or effort is required and how much happiness it can bring.
How it works
Miami Children identifies those community organizations that can provide services at no cost to children and their families within their local community.
Families selected for assistance are identified from local government, education and healthcare providers as well as the local community itself.
“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.
-Steve Maraboli-”
Disclaimer - The children who appear on this site are not receiving support. They have volunteered their images to help their peers and support a good cause.
Miami Children Corp do not receive any state or federal funding and operate as a non-profit corporation.